Invisible Fence of Melbourne

Invisible Fence of Melbourne Florida has come out with a new product line of automatic pet water systems and pet feeders for dogs.

A family owned business this company has successfully contained over 4000 thousand dogs in Indian River and Brevard County Florida. Invisible Fences website boasts of a 99 percent success rate with their professionally installed Invisible Fence systems.

We investigated this statistic with several local Veterinarians DVM Middleton the owner of Sunshine animal clinic states that she has used the Invisible Fence system for over five years running for her Jack Russel Terriers and that it has worked flawlessly safely containing her dogs on here property.

We also spoke to several other Veterinarians in the Brevard & Indian River County area all of them had fantastic things to say about Invisible Fence of Melbourne.

The owner of Invisible Fence Ronald Pollock took our investigator to several of his recently professionally installed electric dog fences outdoor systems and gave us a demonstration of the system actually works.

Step 1: Do-It-Yourself Option: Invisible Fence for Homeowners

The owner of Invisible Fence also owns a do it yourself invisible dog fence website for homeowner who don’t want to pay for professional installation and training. To start with the company installs and underground cable around the perimeter of the property.

The carefully bury the cable around custom areas and neatly install the dog fence cable through a crack in the driveway and then reseal it.

Step 2: Placing the Computer Collar and Establishing the Neutral Line

After they install the underground dog fence wire, they install a computer collar inside a sheltered area like a garage or small crawl space.

A neutral cable is then run out to the perimeter of the property therefore connecting a neutral line to the main active perimeter of the property line.

Step 3: Setting up the Signal Field and Marking the Perimeter with Flags

The Invisible Fence Tech who showed us how the system is installed installed a computer box that emits a signal field around the customized cable around the electric dog fence. Dave the technician then carefully planted white flags around the wire all around the property line.

Step 4: Adjusting the Computer Collar and Training the Dog

Then he proceeded to set up a computer collar that he carefully place around the customers dogs neck. Dave made some tweaks on the dog fence computer collar then led the dog out to the border.

He shuck the flag fiercely to get the dogs attention, the dog out of curiosity walked up the line of the fence and gave a slight twinge of the neck, he began digging at the ground because the computer collar made a noise similar to what a mouse or critter might sound like. Dave proceeded to turn the dog fence collar up a notch, this time when the dog walked towards the white flags the dog let of a slight yelp and backed several feet away from the white flags.

Immediately he shuck the invisible fence flags, you could see by the expression on the dogs face that he no longer wanted to go anywhere near the flags, a couple more attempts to coax the dog towards the flags was met with resistance and hesitation from the dog.

Dave the tech then proceeded to try to coax the dog across the line with a piece of hot dog. It was a no go. The dog wanted absolutely nothing to do with crossing the fence line.

Afterwards Dave let the dog of the leash and the dog made no attempts to go near the boundaries of the success and highly.